Sloky参展2015上海国际机床机器人展览7/14~7/17 摊位:E2A814
2014/07/01 SLOKY【第17届上海国际机床机器人及智能工厂展览会(EASTPO 2015)】
- 第17届上海国际机床机器人及智能工厂展览会(EASTPO 2015/东博展)将于2015年7月14-17日亮相上海新国际博览中心,展出面积80500平米,并汇聚超1200家海内外制造业领域顶尖企业。
- 展会期间EASTPO 2015突破传统的机床机器人展览模式,携手全球战略伙伴和众多业界优秀企业,首创【自动化集成智能工厂示范专馆】。为终端制造业主,机床工具、机器人、自动化、系统集成以及IT互联网等领域企业的跨界融合与协同创新,提供广泛的合作渠道,对接全球优质技术资源。
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We invented mini adapter from 0.1~0.7Nm for professional players. Possible application includeing cell phones, laptops, drown, camera, watches and all kinds of 3C devices. Please contact with us if you want to make your own sets. All we need to know is what kind of screw you need to fasten and we may provide recommmandation. Transform normal screwdriver to torque screwdriver SLOKYmini torque adapter to fit almost any kind of the 4mm bits and handle with Ø4 mm in the market.
This is a brand new concept of big torque adapter from 6~18Nm which is never been done before. We believe it could be used for auto, motocycle and other heavy torque control application. Our torque adapter works with all kinds of handle and tools. Please contact with us if you have any ideas.