Sloky于M-tech Tokyo 2020由喜一展出, Feb 26~28
2020/02/26 SLOKY日本机械要素技术展(M-Tech),是世界上规模最大、最著名的承揽来样、来图加工及分包、转包零配件加工业务的国际专业性展览会之一。
M-Tech 是聚集了如轴承、紧固件、机械部件以及金属、塑胶、橡胶等材料加工技术的制造业展览会。
每年M-Tech 吸引了众多来自设计开发,制造,生产工程,采购和品质控制部门为了寻找新产品或者解决方案的专业人士前来参观。
日本唯一的工业零组件展《M-Tech 日本机械要素展》为业者带来丰富商机;现场有八成以上的参展厂商表示在展会中收获颇丰,如现场接到订单、签定OEM合约等。
Mechanical Components & Materials Technology Expo [M-Tech] is an exhibition gathering all kinds of mechanical parts such as bearings, fasteners, mechanical springs, metal and plastic processing technology. M-Tech attracts a significant number of professionals every year from design, development , manufacturing, production engineering, purchasing and quality control departments, to conduct lively business discussions with exhibitors.
The Kiichi Tools Co.,Ltd.
3-8-14, Itachibori Nishi-ku, Osaka , Japan
Tel: 81-6-6538-1531
Fax: 81-6-6534-1260
- Mechanical Components & Materials Technology Expo [MTech]
- 2020/2/26-2/28
- 10 AM-6 PM (5 PM on Last day)
- Slokytorque devices for all possible applications
- Slokytorque devices for all possible applications
- Movies
- Files Download