Sloky 於M-tech Tokyo 2020由喜一展出, Feb 26~28
2020/02/26 SLOKY日本機械要素技術展 (M-Tech),是世界上規模最大、最著名的承攬來樣、來圖加工及分包、轉包零配件加工業務的國際專業性展覽會之一。
M-Tech 是聚集了如軸承、緊固件、機械部件以及金屬、塑膠、橡膠等材料加工技術的製造業展覽會。
每年 M-Tech 吸引了眾多來自設計開發,製造,生產工程,採購和品質控制部門為了尋找新產品或者解決方案的 專業人士前來參觀。
日本唯一的工業零組件展《M-Tech 日本機械要素展》為業者帶來豐富商機;現場有八成以上的參展廠商表示在展會中收穫頗豐,如現場接到訂單、簽定OEM合約等。
Mechanical Components & Materials Technology Expo [M-Tech] is an exhibition gathering all kinds of mechanical parts such as bearings, fasteners, mechanical springs, metal and plastic processing technology. M-Tech attracts a significant number of professionals every year from design, development, manufacturing, production engineering, purchasing and quality control departments, to conduct lively business discussions with exhibitors.
The Kiichi Tools Co.,Ltd.
3-8-14, Itachibori Nishi-ku, Osaka , Japan
Tel: 81-6-6538-1531
Fax: 81-6-6534-1260
- Mechanical Components & Materials Technology Expo [MTech]
- 2020/2/26-2/28
- 10 AM-6 PM (5 PM on Last day)
- Sloky torque devices for all possible applications
- Sloky torque devices for all possible applications
- Movies
- Files Download