
Sloky扭力起子- 锁紧了,让"它"告诉你! !



结果 25 - 48 的 116
  • 千富企业Sloky产学合作 - 千富企业Sloky产学合作


  • 兼古Anex联名千富Sloky扭力套筒荣获日本Good Design大赏2020 - Good Design awarded torque screwdriver [torque control adopter for electrical work] by Anex andSloky
    兼古Anex联名千富Sloky扭力套筒荣获日本Good Design大赏2020

    开发背景及结果:   该产品是与台湾制造商千富SLOKY共同开发的产品。   我们采用了SLOKY的扭矩管理结构,根据各电力公司的推荐值对M3 / M4 / M5 / M6中的每一个固定用于电气工作的拧紧扭矩值,因此用户只需根据要使用的螺钉的大小选择并使用该产品,无需单独设置扭矩。   本产品通过将其插入手柄中使用,因此,如果将其安装到习惯的手柄上,它将成为扭矩驱动管理器。该产品设计得非常小巧,轻便,因此不会显著损害可用性。   另外,如果将其安装到电动起子上,则既可以达到工作速度,又可以准确地拧紧螺丝。我们希望该产品可以通过促进扭力起子及扭力板手的宣导并允许任何人执行高精度工作来帮助防止事故发生。

  • 二代防疫国家队,Sloky荣获COVID-19快筛机应用 - Slokyand Chienfu are very proud to be a part of Team Taiwan of second generation and able to contribute our expertise of torque control.

    "就这次能拯救世界了!",本着这个使命,安口总经理欧阳志成Richard 召集了六个二代朋友组成了防疫国家队量产COVID-19的快速测试机   敝司的专案经理庄翔捷Leo和Richard已相识十多年了;5月13日Leo突接到电话,问:“你想加入国家队吗? 因为我们需要客制的扭力起子去锁所有的螺丝"。   我回答:“非常荣幸,感谢您给Sloky这个机会。 ”   Sloky为安口客制了0.1 / 0.2 / 0.3 / 0.4 / 0.5 / 1.5 / 1.8Nm各1颗,同时他们已经拥有我们的TSD-01,其标准规格为0.6 / 0.9 / 1.2 / 1.4 / 2.0 / 3.0nm 。   安口针对所有扭力起子进行了测试,确认0.1 / 0.2 / 0.3 / 0.4 / 0.5 / 0.6 / 1.2 / 1.5 / 1.8Nm的需求来锁附快筛机上所有的螺丝,以确保其测试结果的准确性。   此外,我们还坚持提供Sloky手柄和六角bits,组成全球独一无二的"Sloky防疫国家队组套";Sloky和千富企业很荣幸能成为二代防疫国家队的一员,并能够贡献我们的专业知识及工俱。   以下链接请查看《商业周刊》的防疫二代国家队全文:

  • Sloky于M-tech Tokyo 2020由喜一展出, Feb 26~28 - ChinefuSlokyin M-tech 2020
    Sloky于M-tech Tokyo 2020由喜一展出, Feb 26~28

    日本机械要素技术展(M-Tech),是世界上规模最大、最著名的承揽来样、来图加工及分包、转包零配件加工业务的国际专业性展览会之一。 M-Tech 是聚集了如轴承、紧固件、机械部件以及金属、塑胶、橡胶等材料加工技术的制造业展览会。 每年M-Tech 吸引了众多来自设计开发,制造,生产工程,采购和品质控制部门为了寻找新产品或者解决方案的专业人士前来参观。 日本唯一的工业零组件展《M-Tech 日本机械要素展》为业者带来丰富商机;现场有八成以上的参展厂商表示在展会中收获颇丰,如现场接到订单、签定OEM合约等。   Mechanical Components & Materials Technology Expo [M-Tech] is an exhibition gathering all kinds of mechanical parts such as bearings, fasteners, mechanical springs, metal and plastic processing technology. M-Tech attracts a significant number of professionals every year from design, development , manufacturing, production engineering, purchasing and quality control departments, to conduct lively business discussions with exhibitors.

  • 优良供应商推荐;泉发泉发车刀矿油公司 - 泉发

    泉发车刀矿油公司销售京瓷车刀铣刀逾三十年,致力于协助客户提高产能并延长京瓷车刀/铣刀的寿命,以期达到工业4.0智能生产的目标!近期泉发与京瓷机械工具事业部,为提高贵司的生产效率与工件的良率,可以为贵司量身订制多工序一次到位的特制舍弃式刀具!泉发致力于服务客户,提供更完整的产品面泉发车刀近期增加:AcutoL 铣刀/AcutoL 内孔车刀/高压出水系统/刀具监控系统/油水分离机/吸屑机近期热销的京瓷刀具,例如:京瓷车刀系列KGDR切断刀系列、京瓷车刀系列KGBFR外径插沟刀系列、京瓷车刀系列DRA快速钻系列、京瓷车刀系列MFH高效率铣刀、京瓷车刀系列JCT中心出水刀架、京瓷车刀航太/医疗对应材质PR005S系列等等都有促销方案。 泉发车刀矿油服务范围包含台湾、大陆、越南。经营项目有各知名品牌车刀铣刀;如:京瓷车刀(Kyocera)、三菱、Kennametal及全系列进口及台制刀杆…等等。各项五金;如:软爪、顶针、NACHI SG钻头、丝攻、台制钨钢钻头、SLOKY扭力板手…等等;以及多项机械油品,如:切削油、滑道油、研磨油、攻牙油…等等。

  • 千富Sloky于三立新闻播出│记者苑晓琬于成虎陶起龙|【薪动大未来】20200130|三立iNEWS - Story ofSlokyby Chienfu and SET iNews

    小小"螺丝起子"扭出经济奇迹! 空中飞人兄弟档靠"这点"享誉国际...│记者苑晓琬于成虎陶起龙|【薪动大未来】20200130|三立iNEWS

  • Sloky于Metalex 2019由BT&T展出, Hall 101 booth BC26, 11/20~23 - Slokyin Metalex 2019, Nov 20~23rd by BT&T
    Sloky于Metalex 2019由BT&T展出, Hall 101 booth BC26, 11/20~23

    NEW SMART TECHNOLOGIES METALEX 2019 will pave the way to sustainable successes in the imminent 4.0 era for the region's metalworking industry. Under the theme of “New Smart Technologies,” featuring Smart Wire & Tube Technologies, Smart Materials, and Smart Sensor Technologies, the show will open up new horizons in metalworking excellence and growth through over 4,800 items of new machine tools, metalworking solutions, sheet metal forming innovations, and many other metalworking technologies by 4,000 brands from 50 countries including national pavilions plus “German Pavilion” as well as many other exciting smart new features, contents, and business opportunities that will take your business to the next level. METALEX will be your smart gateway that will enable you to tap into the demanding ASEAN market in the most efficient and effective way.   Offer NEW SMART TECHNOLOGIES to the Right Market Get in touch with the largest audience of your machine tools and metalworking technologies at METALEX 2019. With over three decades of reputation as a well-established technology platform that industrialists from the world over come to visit, exhibiting with us not only gives you the chance to connect with 100,000 manufacturing industrialists who could become your future business partners, but a chance to show off your best innovations that could set the trend for modern metalworking and manufacturing. Strengthen your brand perception. Multiply your trade opportunities with maximum return on investment through our matchmaking service. METALEX is a tried-and-true most effective platform to debut your products and be seen among world class technology providers!   Get in touch with the largest audience of your machine tools and metalworking technologies at “METALEX 2019” – the Metalworking Metropolis of ASEAN. With over three decades of reputation as a well-established technology platform that industrialists from the world over come to visit, exhibiting with us not only gives you the chance to connect with 100,000 manufacturing industrialists who could become your future business partners, but a chance to show off your best innovations that could set the trend for modern metalworking and manufacturing. Strengthen your brand perception. Multiply your trade opportunities with maximum return on investment through our matchmaking service. METALEX is a tried-and-true most effective platform to debut your products and be seen among world class technology providers.

  • 千富Sloky指示型轻量套筒荣获台湾精品奖2020 - SlokyIndicative lightweight torque sleeve won the Taiwan Excellence 2019 Award

    SLOKY指示型套筒采用车用矽铬钢线材料制作弹簧,再透过精密的计算弹簧压缩的系数,经由机构的设计达到扭力分段的目的,并纳入微型化、轻量化元素, 1.在锁紧过程中立即目视判别扭力值,封盖环表面处理采用符合RoHS规范三价铬皮膜处理为亮黑色,以白色标示数字、刻度及计量单位,透过锁附力量的的输出,手眼一致即可正确经由视觉办别扭力值。 2.可透过结构件设计变更,灵活设置6~10个扭力值,配合弹簧材料应用及压缩技术提供客制化服务,不同扭力要求锁附一次完成,无须转换套筒使用。 3..微型设计结构,可达到目标扭力值,轻量化-650±5g,且产品尺寸小-(D)17mm×(L)69.9mm,手部拿取操作无负担及收纳不占空间。 4.快速更换驱动头(BIT)功能,套筒附件可弹性配置一字、十字、星型、六角起子头及轴杆等工具,套装为不同应用领域适用的套件组、套件包或套件盒,具多元变化、互换、便利性效率需求。

  • 千富Sloky医疗用精准扭力具止逆功能轻量起子荣获台湾精品奖2020 - SlokyMedical precision torquer with anti-reverse function lightweight screwdriver won the Taiwan Excellence 2019 Award

    医疗用精准扭力具止逆功能轻量起子,扭力到位警示断开峰值小,且能精准正确地传递扭力,因此可确保手术的顺利与病人的安危,将是骨板骨钉锁附及卸除的最佳帮手;期以:1.以摩擦力作为扭力限制原理,具重复使用超过5000次以上优异性能。 2.扭力值预置内定,达空转临界值时,断开振动小,准确度高。 3.主元件心轴摩擦面具有径向扩张或收缩的功能,利于将扭力调整为预设的扭力值。 4. 松脱连接件时具止逆功能,可避免因螺合不当造成不必要损失,止逆棘轮结构内设活动棘轮与固定棘轮为单向且互为啮合,而有助于连接件之松脱作业进行。 5轻量化-650g±50g,且产品尺寸小-(D)15.7mm×(L)68mm,手部拿取操作无负担及收纳不占空间。功能五项优势搭配合理的价格,成为专业医疗人士的首选品牌。

  • 联合晚报钱线人物/千富企业总经理庄惟捷「锁下去」 痛点变生意 - CEO of ChienfuSloky, Jeff Chuang on Union Evening News
    联合晚报钱线人物/千富企业总经理庄惟捷「锁下去」 痛点变生意

    钱线人物/庄惟捷「锁下去」 痛点变生意   2019-10-13 13:42联合晚报记者戴慧瑀/台北报导

  • 千富Sloky于大阪M-tech展出,Oct 2~4th, Hall 6摊位40-7 - ChienfuSlokyin M-tech from Oct 2~4th, Hall 6 booth # 40-7
    千富Sloky于大阪M-tech展出,Oct 2~4th, Hall 6摊位40-7

    Mechanical Components & Materials Technology Expo [M-Tech] is an exhibition gathering all kinds of mechanical parts such as bearings, fasteners, mechanical springs, metal and plastic processing technology. M-Tech attracts a significant number of professionals every year from design, development , manufacturing, production engineering, purchasing and quality control departments, to conduct lively business discussions with exhibitors.

  • 千富Sloky于加州长滩Westec展出, Sept 24~26th, 摊位号1849 - ChienfuSlokyin Westec from Sept 24~26st, booth # 1849
    千富Sloky于加州长滩Westec展出, Sept 24~26th, 摊位号1849

    WESTEC 2019, the leading California manufacturing trade show   At WESTEC, you will connect with thousands of leading manufacturers in critical industries such as aerospace, medical, industrial machinery and consumer goods. Our new location, Long Beach, is a gateway to global ports and a vibrant area for machinery. Compare the newest technologies side-by-side while meeting face-to-face with the experts who developed them. Learn more about the business aspects of manufacturing in three days than you typically do in three months at dozens of complimentary educational sessions geared toward industry executives, including interactive Knowledge Bars, topical keynote addresses and informative new-product demonstrations.Plus, immerse yourself in advanced technologies such as additive manufacturing at our Smart Manufacturing Hub, featuring leading technology providers. Among the United States' fastest-growing manufacturing regions, the West Coast is a hotbed of opportunity for companies with new products and leading-edge ideas, and a center of concentrated manufacturing intelligence. The numbers bear it out: California has more than 36,000 manufacturing firms employing 1.3 million people, and exported $142.4 billion in manufactured goods in 2016.1 The West Coast's premier manufacturing event, WESTEC has an enhanced exhibit area and more of the exhibitors you want to see — giving you the ideal opportunity to find solutions to your manufacturing challenges. A showcase for global technologies and exhibitors, WESTEC 2019 ultimately provides you with the newest ideas to improve your operations and increase your profits.WESTEC, the leading California manufacturing trade show, has been providing solutions to manufacturing challenges for 55 years.Attendees come from a variety of industries including aerospace, medical, industrial machinery, automotive, fabricated metal, and more.Exhibitors have the opportunity to meet face-to-face with over10,000 attendees, of which 77% have a role in purchasing decisions with 30% having manufacturing equipment budgets of more than $200,000.   At WESTEC you will:   See the latest machinery, metrology, design, digital, 3D printing and engineering expertise Visit over 400 leading manufacturing exhibitors   Top 5 reasons to attend WESTEC 2019 Miles of machinery. Explore more equipment than ever, all of it powered by West Coast industry leaders. Enlightening education. Attend complimentary sessions covering hot industry topics. Smart solutions. Connect with industry experts to solve your manufacturing challenges. Inspirational interactions. Maximize your manufacturing moxie with WESTEC's industry-leading exhibitors and attendees. Long Beach. Connect with the right people in the right location at WESTEC.

  • Sloky于EMO展出, Sept 16~21st, 摊位号Hall 5, A11 - Slokyin EMO from Sept 16~21st, booth # Hall 5, A11
    Sloky于EMO展出, Sept 16~21st, 摊位号Hall 5, A11

    EMO Hannover 2019 presents itself to the world ... "Meet the world at EMO" is one of the principal reasons for taking part in the world's leading trade fair for metalworking. This applies to exhibitors and visitors alike. The trade fair team provided an overview of the highlights of the upcoming trade fair to an international audience on its EMO World Tour. In 43 press conferences, held in almost every country with a significant level of industrial production and thus with a demand for production technology, they provided information to specialist and business journalists, exhibitors and potential exhibitors, representatives of associations and other propagators about EMO and its special features in the respective national language. In the EMO Preview, around 40 exhibitors also offered a foretaste of the most exciting innovations they are expecting to present to trade visitors in September. The companies highlighted their products and services in 120-second elevator pitches.

  • Sloky于台中TIAE 2019由仁华展出, 摊位0754~6 - Slokyin TIAE 2019 in Taichung by JenHwa, Booth # 0754~6
    Sloky于台中TIAE 2019由仁华展出, 摊位0754~6

    The Largest and the Most Professional Industrial Automation Show in Central Taiwan! Area by specialty: ■Hardware & Accessory Equipment Area ■Cutting Tools Area ■Machine Tools Area ■Inspecting, Measuring & Testing Equipment Area ■Industrial Machinery Area      Industial Automation is one of important machinery export trade in Taiwan. The geographical advantages of many industrial parks and closely connected industrial supply chains have brought infinite business opportunities to the central area. Combined with active promotion of industrial transformation and upgrade and establishment of precise machinery park by the government, the central area has moved toward a new development of integrated traditional and high-tech manufacturing industry.   Having held more than 10 machinery industry shows, Economic Daily News responds to industrial development and grasps trends of global markets. It has become the highlight of procurement and the show for domestic and international manufacturers.   Economic Daily News plays a role of professional reporter to take the full responsibility of the media and provide a comprehensive and abundant exhibitive platform for industries relating to plastics and rubber and manufacturing facility."Taichung Industrial Automation Exhibiton" is going to be grandly held from June 8 (Friday) to June 12 (Tuesday) at Greater Taichung International Expo Center. The show will help Taiwanese industries relating to plastics and rubber and manufacturing facility make their premium technologies seen by all communities in order to improve the product competitiveness, promote the industrial exchanges, and enter global markets.

  • Sloky于韩国BUTECH 2019展出, 摊位G16 - Butech in Busan is an international trade fair for machinery, and is divided into many sub-areas, presenting machinery for certain industries. A number of international exhibitors present at the fair their innovations and trends for the industry. Visitors can get at the a good overview of the market and use the event to make business contacts and to network with colleagues.
    Sloky于韩国BUTECH 2019展出, 摊位G16

    Busan International Machinery Technology Fair

  • Sloky于全美五金展NHS 2019由台湾精品奖展出, 摊位号码1420 - Slokyin NHS 2019 by Taiwan Excellence, booth 1420 

    We are very thankful and honored to be displayed by Taiwan Excellence.
    Sloky于全美五金展NHS 2019由台湾精品奖展出, 摊位号码1420

    We are very thankful and honored to be displayed by Taiwan Excellence and this is a great opportunity to promote our products and our brand. To see ourSlokyprocuct in such big posters really moves our team and want to say "thank you so much" to Taiwan Excellence.   Introduction to the Taiwan Excellence Awards The Taiwan Excellence Awards were established by the Ministry of Economic Affairs in 1993. Every year, eligible candidates are subjected to a rigorous and stringent selection system that covers four major aspects of “R&D”, “Design”, “Quality” and “Marketing” to identify outstanding products that offer “Innovative Value” while satisfying the key criterion of being “made in Taiwan”. Products that have been selected for the Taiwan Excellence Awards would serve as examples of the domestic industries and be promoted by the government in the international market in an effort to shape the creative image for Taiwanese businesses.

  • Sloky于CIMT 2019北京展由Wiha中国展出, 摊位E8 B101 - Slokyin CIMT 2019 by Wiha China, booth E8 B101
    Sloky于CIMT 2019北京展由Wiha中国展出, 摊位E8 B101

    China International Machine Tool Show (CIMT 2019) April 15 to 20, 2019 Beijing China International Exhibition Center

  • Sloky于高雄自动化展由仁华贸易展出,摊位北馆N5013 - Slokyin Kaohsiung Industrial Automation Exhibition 2019 by JenHwa, booth N5013

    时间│3月29日(五)-4月1日(一) 地点│高雄展览馆( 高雄市前镇区成功二路39号)

  • Sloky由Outimat于法国Industrie Lyon 2019展出, 摊位2D46 - SlokyIndustrie Lyon 2019 by Outimat
    Sloky由Outimat于法国Industrie Lyon 2019展出, 摊位2D46

    INDUSTRIE 2019, CORNERSTONE OF THE FIRST GLOBAL INDUSTRIE LYON, FRANCE'S MEGA INDUSTRY EVENT INDUSTRIE, the major production equipment and technologies exhibition will be staged as part of this cluster from 5th to 8th March 2019 at the Eurexpo Exhibition Centre, Lyon Fresh from the success of its Paris launch in March 2018 and the general satisfaction of all in the industry and the public authorities, GLOBAL INDUSTRIE is now coming to Lyon. This will be the first time that France's leading industrial region will have played host to an event of this scale that is totally dedicated to industry.   INDUSTRIE at the heart of France's mega industry event GLOBAL INDUSTRIE is the result of the joint staging of 4 major, sector-leading French industry shows that have come together to create the major industry event that French industry and its public authorities have been calling for for so many years. Held in Lyon in odd years and Paris in even ones, INDUSTRIE will take place from 5th to 8th March 2019 at Eurexpo Lyon as part of GLOBAL INDUSTRIE, in conjunction with

  • Sloky由宝华于台湾Timtos 2019展出,摊位A0616 - Slokyby Paohwa in Timtos 2019
    Sloky由宝华于台湾Timtos 2019展出,摊位A0616

    Dates: March 4-9, 2019 Hours: 10 AM - 6 PM   Organizers:   Taiwan External Trade Development Council (TAITRA)   Taiwan Association of Machinery Industry (TAMI)   Venues:   Hall 1: Taipei World Trade Center (TWTC) Exhibition Hall 1   Hall 2: TWTC Exhibition Hall 3   Hall 3: TAIPEI NANGANG Exhibition Center, Hall 1   Hall 4: TAIPEI NANGANG Exhibition Center, Hall 2   Exhibit Space:   100,000 square meters (Gross)   Exhibitors (Projected):     No. of Exhibitors   No. of Booths   2017   1,100   5,430   2019 (Est.)   TBA   6,500   Estimated Visitors:   55,000 (local: 47,500, foreign: 7,500)   Exhibit Profile:   Machines:   Metal Cutting Machine Tools, Metal Forming Machinery, Casting and Forging   Auxiliary Equipment:   Laser Punching Machines, Welding, Vibration Grinding, Surface Treatment Equipment, Tube & Wire Processing, Machine Tool Parts/ Accessories, Tools, Controllers & Control Systems, Measuring, Measuring Instrument, Software, Design Engineering, Hydraulic & Pneumatic Components

  • Slokyby Prochi in CHEMIS, M-Tech Toyko 2019 - Slokyby Prochi in CHEMIS
    Slokyby Prochi in CHEMIS, M-Tech Toyko 2019

    Mechanical Components & Materials Technology Expo [M-Tech] is an exhibition gathering all kinds of mechanical parts such as bearings, fasteners, mechanical springs, metal and plastic processing technology. M-Tech attracts a significant number of professionals every year from design, development , manufacturing, production engineering, purchasing and quality control departments, to conduct lively business discussions with exhibitors.   Already for the twenty-third time the M-Tech takes place on 3 days from Wed., 06.02.2019 to Fri., 08.02.2019 in Tokyo.   Exhibit Profile Motion Technology Fair Bearings | Changers/Reducers | Gears, Belts | Chains | Lubricant | etc.   Motor Fair Motors | Drivers | Controllers | etc.     Compressor/Fluid Power Transmission Fair Compressor | Hydraulics Equipment | Water Hydraulics Equipment | Seals | etc.   Tube Components Fair Pipes | Tubes | Joints | Valves | etc.     Mechanical Parts & Related Products Fair Hinges | Levers | Stays | Casters | and Mechanical Parts & Related Products   Fasteners & Fastening Technology Fair Bolts | Nuts | Washers | Rivets | etc.     Mechanical Springs Fair Variety Springs | Spring Forming Machines | Forming/Processing Technology | Spring Tester | etc.   Surface Treatment & Modification Fair Plating | Surface Coating | and Surface Treatment & Modification Technology     Processing Technology & Materials Fair Machining/Cutting | Pressing | Forging | Casting | Die-Casting | Fabrication Technology | etc.   Ultraprecision Processing/Microfabrication Fair Fine/Ultraprecision Cutting | Fine/Ultraprecision Laser Processing | Fine/Ultraprecision Abrasive Machining | Ultraprecision Pressing Microfabrication of Prototypes | etc.     Large/Thick Parts Machining Fair Large Parts Cutting | Large Plate Processing | Large Parts Forging Technology | Thick Parts Processing | Large/Thick Parts Pressing | Large Parts Plastic Processing | Large Parts Casting | etc.   Lightweight Technology Fair Lightweight Materials | Processing | Components | etc.     Deburring & Surface Finishing Fair Blasting Technologies | Deburring & Surface Finishing Technologies/Equipment | Barrel Finishing   Mechanical Parts Cleaning Fair Washers | Cleaners | Driers | Cleaning Outsourcing Services | etc. Processing Machines & Machine Tools Fair Hand Tools | Diamond/CBN Tools | Spindles | End Mills Machine Tools | Injection Molding Machines | Metal/Resin Processing Machines | etc.   Testing/Measuring/Sensor Fair Testing Instrument/Equipment | Measuring Instrument/Equipment | Sensors | Cameras | Encode | etc.   M-Tech Tokyo is Japan's largest trade show for mechanical components and materials technology. It attracts companies from all over the world and a wide range of industries that have already entered the Japanese market or like to do so. Among visitors are technical experts from divisions like design engineering, production engineering, quality control, purchasing, research and others. M-Tech Tokyo is held in conjunction with Design Engineering & Manufacturing Solutions Expo.

  • 千富Sloky于东京机械要素展2019摊位E21-39, 2/6~8, 2019 - ChinefuSlokyin M-tech 2019
    千富Sloky于东京机械要素展2019摊位E21-39, 2/6~8, 2019

    Mechanical Components & Materials Technology Expo [M-Tech] is an exhibition gathering all kinds of mechanical parts such as bearings, fasteners, mechanical springs, metal and plastic processing technology. M-Tech attracts a significant number of professionals every year from design, development , manufacturing, production engineering, purchasing and quality control departments, to conduct lively business discussions with exhibitors.   Already for the twenty-third time the M-Tech takes place on 3 days from Wed., 06.02.2019 to Fri., 08.02.2019 in Tokyo.   Exhibit Profile Motion Technology Fair Bearings | Changers/Reducers | Gears, Belts | Chains | Lubricant | etc.   Motor Fair Motors | Drivers | Controllers | etc.     Compressor/Fluid Power Transmission Fair Compressor | Hydraulics Equipment | Water Hydraulics Equipment | Seals | etc.   Tube Components Fair Pipes | Tubes | Joints | Valves | etc.     Mechanical Parts & Related Products Fair Hinges | Levers | Stays | Casters | and Mechanical Parts & Related Products   Fasteners & Fastening Technology Fair Bolts | Nuts | Washers | Rivets | etc.     Mechanical Springs Fair Variety Springs | Spring Forming Machines | Forming/Processing Technology | Spring Tester | etc.   Surface Treatment & Modification Fair Plating | Surface Coating | and Surface Treatment & Modification Technology     Processing Technology & Materials Fair Machining/Cutting | Pressing | Forging | Casting | Die-Casting | Fabrication Technology | etc.   Ultraprecision Processing/Microfabrication Fair Fine/Ultraprecision Cutting | Fine/Ultraprecision Laser Processing | Fine/Ultraprecision Abrasive Machining | Ultraprecision Pressing Microfabrication of Prototypes | etc.     Large/Thick Parts Machining Fair Large Parts Cutting | Large Plate Processing | Large Parts Forging Technology | Thick Parts Processing | Large/Thick Parts Pressing | Large Parts Plastic Processing | Large Parts Casting | etc.   Lightweight Technology Fair Lightweight Materials | Processing | Components | etc.     Deburring & Surface Finishing Fair Blasting Technologies | Deburring & Surface Finishing Technologies/Equipment | Barrel Finishing   Mechanical Parts Cleaning Fair Washers | Cleaners | Driers | Cleaning Outsourcing Services | etc. Processing Machines & Machine Tools Fair Hand Tools | Diamond/CBN Tools | Spindles | End Mills Machine Tools | Injection Molding Machines | Metal/Resin Processing Machines | etc.   Testing/Measuring/Sensor Fair Testing Instrument/Equipment | Measuring Instrument/Equipment | Sensors | Cameras | Encode | etc.   M-Tech Tokyo is Japan's largest trade show for mechanical components and materials technology. It attracts companies from all over the world and a wide range of industries that have already entered the Japanese market or like to do so. Among visitors are technical experts from divisions like design engineering, production engineering, quality control, purchasing, research and others. M-Tech Tokyo is held in conjunction with Design Engineering & Manufacturing Solutions Expo.

  • ProchiSloky应岩瀬产业(株)邀约展示, Nov 16~17 - ChienfuSlokypromoted by Kiichi Prochi in Japan
    ProchiSloky应岩瀬产业(株)邀约展示, Nov 16~17

    Not only offering the highest quality products and excellent services to meet customers' basic needs but at the same time, we offer various proposals and solutions which respond accurately to the present diversifying and high level requirements in individual market, by practicing the above concept “being appreciated and bring a lot of joy to customers” and ourselves as well , “ can appreciate and enjoy“.   To accelerate our this business practice, we exert ourselves for fostering our employees of well human nature and play rolls as good business citizens for the contribution to our society.   Now in 21st Century, Japanese industries are facing a dramatic change. Kiichi Tools continue practicing our business activities to leap higher as a real business firm with challenging and positive sprit of “Go-forward with one step ahead” succeeded from the start of our establishment . While nurturing good staff and sharing the same value with customers as an indispensable partner, we will keep going with our very best and look forward to your continuous support.

结果 25 - 48 的 116







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